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Analysis and Insights

Dreamworld nightmare: The coroner’s report

On the 25 October 2016, four people tragically died in an accident on the Thunder River Rapids Ride (TRRR) at the Dreamworld Theme Park (Dreamworld). The Queensland Coroner’s Court undertook an inquest to review the circumstances and cause of the fatalities, with the final report handed down in February 2020.

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Trends in Governance

Out of the Shadows and Setting the Cultural Tone: The Board’s Role in Relation to Organisational Culture

As the (virtual) ink dries on this (virtual) paper, there is shared Australian community outrage at the excessive, extensive and seemingly endemic bad conduct by employees of the major banks and finance houses.  However, whilst loss of community confidence in institutions was once seen as the domain of large corporations, loss of community confidence in not-for-profit organisations and institutions is at an all-time high in Australia.

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Trends in Governance

The Long Shadow of Conflicts of Interest

Poorly managed conflicts of interest in the boardroom can cast long shadows. They can inflict lasting damage on the dynamic and operation of the board. For as long as boards are made up of people they are likely to continue to be one of the most common sources of boardroom tension and yet are still amongst the least well understood.

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