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Analysis and Insights

How Not to Take the Fun Out of Workplace Social FUNctions

‘Tis the season for work social functions! December is often full of all kinds of social gatherings and get-togethers, both in and out of offices. Even though this time is centred around joy and fun, has your board and management teams made a list (and checked it twice) when it comes to the risks of having too much fun?

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Trends in Governance

The Right Peer Review for Your Board: Maximising the Effectiveness of Evaluations

Board evaluations continue to be a part of many board’s governance landscape. Board evaluations are often recommended by regulators (and some mandate them), however boards do often enshrine this annual process in their own governance policies. Irrespective of whether the evaluation is mandated or voluntary, the question for any board is then, ‘how does the board get value from this process?’

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Boardroom Observers

Speak Up or Forever Holdback Culture

Many organisations and boards have a strong focus on identifying and combating extreme behaviours through frameworks and procedures like whistleblower and complaint policies. However, speaking up about behaviours is more nuanced than the high-risk and highly damaging complaints. This is the spectrum of speaking up and providing feedback.

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